2025 Kosuhi Maru懶人包,推薦清單整理



Kosugi is a Gothic design, with low stroke contrast and monospaced metrics. Initially developed by MOTOYA and released for the Android platform under the Apache ...

Kosugi Maru

Kosugi Maru is a Gothic Rounded design, with low stroke contrast and monospaced metrics, and rounded terminals. Initially developed by MOTOYA and released ...

Kosugi Maru Font

Download the Kosugi Maru font by MOTOYA. The Kosugi Maru font has been downloaded 10375 times.

Kosugi Maru Font Download

Download free kosugi maru font, view its character map and generate text-based images or logos with kosugi maru font online.

Kosugi Maru fonts, originally by Motoya

Kosugi Maru is a Gothic Rounded design, with low stroke contrast and monospaced metrics, and rounded terminals. Initially developed by MOTOYA and released for ...

Kosugi Maru

Open 粉圓體是基於日本小杉圓體(Kosugi Maru)製作的一套圓體字型,而俊羽圓體則再衍生於此粉圓體字型。 源泉圓體其實是改造自開源的思源黑體。後面這兩款苦累蛙圓體 ...

open 粉圓

「jf open 粉圓字型」是基於Kosugi Maru 改作, 由justfont 設計師針對台灣日常應用加以優化的開源字型。 歡迎大家自由應用、自由優化、自由改作! 免費 ...

來自日本的開源字體Kosugi Maru 由justfont...

2020年2月12日 — 來自日本的開源字體Kosugi Maru 由justfont 擴充、改良,成為全新的開源中文字型「#Open粉圓」 將於2020 年的#圓周率日 開放下載! 3.14 下載之前,來看看 ...


2019年4月18日 — 小杉圓體全名Motoya Kosugi Maru,是一款免費開源的日本字體。最初是由MOTOYA 公司為Android 平台所開發的圓體, 現在在Google font 可下載,以JIS 第1 ...